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We’re fuelled by innovation and creativity. On The Edge celebrates local creatives and their unique talents. To celebrate the launch of our On The Edge campaign, we sat down with our featured creatives to talk to them about the importance of their work. Remember their names, remember their come up. 

We caught up with Amy on a quiet morning at Yarraville’s Sun Theatre and spent time chatting about film. Cinematography is Amy’s hobby and occupation all wrapped in one. If she’s not shooting material, she’s probably talking about it. The quality of Amy’s work is a testament to her passion.

How did you get into cinematography?

As a kid I was really drawn to the way the world ‘looked’ in movies. There was a magic where location and lighting could conjure up a sense of nostalgia for a place you’d never been. I think that documentation of time and pop culture was one main reason it touched me. The other was the way a story could be communicated visually through framing and camera movement. That language made sense to me and moved me. Ever since that understanding I’ve never wanted to do anything else!


What kind of barriers have you faced as a female cinematographer? 

When I was growing up there were no female cinematographers that were as popular as the men. It was weird because without seeing the success of females in the industry there wasn’t really hope or proof you could reach that level. Seeing more and more women being recognised now is really exciting and makes you feel like it’s possible to succeed! Even though I’m very driven the challenge I face the most is not being taken seriously. On set you are leading your crew and calling the shots. To not be listened to or questioned in a way that you know a male peer wouldn’t be can feel really disrespectful and frustrating. But I just tell myself – you got this!


What’s one piece of video, whether it be film or music video etc, that you would recommend everyone to see?

Man this is a tough one! I’m not sure but one movie that has forever left an impression on me is Badlands by Terrence Malick. 


What are some important themes that you want to capture in your work?

It varies from project to project depending on the story, but themes I like gravitate towards are darkness, mystery and beauty.


Do you believe in guilty pleasure movies? If so, what’s your go-to?

I do find myself going back and watching Dazed and Confused every now and then, I’m a sucker for teen coming of age stories.


What do independent cinemas like the Sun Theatre mean to you?

Independent cinemas preserve the original movie experience, which I cherish! They screen and support independent and art house films that you couldn’t necessarily see at a commercial cinema. I love the charm these places have, making it fun going there as well as seeing a film.


What are some things you do to practice self-care?

I’m a naturally anxious person (and Virgo) so I try and reduce stress as much as I can. I just moved in to a place with a nice bath, so lately it’s been relaxing in there and watching a movie. The iced maple lattes at All Are Welcome bakery I would also go as far to classify as self care – soothing and delicious!


What’s your 2020 vision?

I think like most people I have really big expectations for 2020! Asides from pushing myself harder and working on reaching my goals I also want to work on valuing myself more and what I have to offer. As most freelancers know it can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster at times.  I’m feeling really positive about 2020 and keen to keep working on making my dreams come true!


For the latest on Amy’s work and to stay up to date, follow @indoorfountains on Instagram.
